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Subject: Release of v3.4? Date: Tue May 21 2013 01:39 pm
From: Roy Witt To: RJ Clay

RJ Clay wrote to Michiel van der Vlist:

 RC>>>     I'm thinking that we should release the current code (v3.3.5)
 RC>>> as version v3.4.0. Or is there anyything else that should be
 RC>>> included?

 MV>> What I propose is to add an option: Allow8bit 1|0 with a default of
 MV>> 0.

 RC>   So, to be clear; you think that such functionality as that should
 RC> be added and tested, before going to a version v3.4 release?

Before adding anything else, if v3.4 has fixed the OS/2 problem, then
release it now. If not, then the OS/2 problem is more important than
adding more to unfix it.

Once you can get MNL working with every OS, then it would be a benefit
to everyone. When my RC has a working copy of MNL, then all of Z1 will be
able to use the software.


--- GoldED+/W32 1.1.5-31012
--- D'Bridge 3.92
 * Origin: Lone-Star BBS - San Antonio, Texas - USA (1:387/22)

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