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Subject: Feature Request: Allow8bit option Date: Tue May 21 2013 08:18 am
From: RJ Clay To: Michiel van der Vlist

Hi Michiel!

19 May 13 23:23, you wrote to me:

 MV> On Sunday May 19 2013 10:27, you wrote to All:

 RC>> .... Or is there anyything else that should be included?

 MV> What I propose is to add an option: Allow8bit 1|0 with a default of 0.

 MV> 1 disables the substitution of characters >= 128 by a question mark
 MV> and so allows non ASCII characters in the nodelist. We may want that
 MV> in the future.

   Note that I've added that as feature request # 5 [1].

   Didn't include your name or address (yet?), though, since I'm not sure what
if any preference you may have for that.


--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5--b20111217
 * Origin: RJC eeePC (1:120/419)

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In Reply To: Release of v3.4? (Michiel van der Vlist)
Replies: Feature Request: Allow8bit option (Michiel van der Vlist)