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Subject: Release of v3.4? Date: Sun May 19 2013 11:23 pm
From: Michiel van der Vlist To: RJ Clay

Hello RJ,

On Sunday May 19 2013 10:27, you wrote to All:

 RC>     Are we ready to release MakeNL v3.4.0?

 RC>     I'm thinking that we should release the current code (v3.3.5) as
 RC> version v3.4.0. Or is there anyything else that should be included?

What I propose is to add an option: Allow8bit 1|0 with a default of 0.

1 disables the substitution of characters >= 128 by a question mark and so
allows non ASCII characters in the nodelist. We may want that in the future.

Although there may not be a need for it now, I think the time to add this
feature is now. Dutch saying: one must forge the iron when it is hot. The iron
is hot now. Next year it may have cooled off and it may take a lot more effort
to make changes.

Cheers, Michiel

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In Reply To: Release of v3.4? (RJ Clay)
Replies: Release of v3.4? (RJ Clay)Feature Request: Allow8bit option (RJ Clay)