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Subject: Got a Problem Date: Sat Feb 23 2013 09:59 am
From: Roy Witt To: mark lewis

mark lewis wrote to Roy Witt:

 BR>>> data
 BR>>> ;
 BR>>> Host,393,Cajun_Star,Lafayette_LA,Ben_Ritchey,000-0-0-0-0,300,CM,MO,
 BR>>> X X ,INA:c mech,IBN,IMI,IFT,ITN ;

 RW>>>       ^    ^
 RW>>>       ?    ?

 RW>>> This works?

 ml>> there are no spaces in the original... your reader did something to
 ml>> it to place them there...

 RW>> Host,393,Cajun_Star,Lafayette_LA,Ben_Ritchey

 RW>> Go back and re-read the original.

 ml> i did specifically before i replied to you... your reader is placing spaces
 ml> where there are none in the original... they are not even
 ml> there in the PKT that brought the post from ben to this system...

I've been using this same reader for nearly two decades and it never puts
anything in quoted text that isn't there. Nor does it delete any text that
IS there.


--- GoldED+/W32 1.1.5-31012
 * Origin: Texas Lone-Star - Texan, American, USAian  (1:387/22)

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