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Subject: Got a Problem Date: Fri Feb 22 2013 03:09 pm
From: mark lewis To: Timothy Cornett

 TC> Hi everyone, maybe someone can help me, while trying to convert to
 TC> makenl_ng I've discovered that I can't get makenl_ng to create my
 TC> segment of the nodelist, it's runs test mode perfectly but seems
 TC> stuck in test mode. Even if I'm using the /p option it'll tell me
 TC> it's processing, but then returns a rc=3 (the same code as test
 TC> mode) and nothing is created. 

forget using '/' as a parameter indicator... use '-' instead... in fact, do
yourself a favor and use '-test' or '-process' to ensure that it does what you
really want ;)


 * Origin:  (1:3634/12.42)

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