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Subject: Got a Problem Date: Fri Feb 22 2013 08:07 pm
From: Kees van Eeten To: Bj”rn Felten

Hello Björn!

22 Feb 13 17:51, you wrote to me:

 KvE>> I think all options should now be written with a dash in stead of a
 KvE>> slah. So it will be -p in stead of /p. I have no MS system at hand to
 KvE>> check what error message is generated if the / is used.

 BF>    In MSDOS versions prior to 5.0 you could issue the command "switchchar
 BF> -" to make the OS treat them both similar.

 BF>    I guess those of us remembering that are close to being extinct now...
 BF> :)

 It does ring a bell somewhere, but until recently both uses were implemented
 in makenl_ng. It probably was quite a job, to distinguish between an option
 and a filepath on *nix systems, where now the mainpart of the development
 is done. You may be disappointed, but where there is no money involved, he
 who does the work, decides.


--- FPD v2.9.040207  GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5
 * Origin: Carefully open my messages, it's Flue season. (2:280/5003.4)

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