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Subject: Square/Round Dance News Date: Thu Nov 19 2020 11:47 pm
From: Daryl Stout To: All

  I received the print copy of the December, 2020 issue of The Modern
Square today, Nov. 19, 2020. The e-Edition was released earlier this
week on Nov. 16, 2020.

  The Modern Square is the monthly publication of the Arkansas State
Square Dance Federation (ASSDF).

  As noted in a previous message, I've begun preliminary work on the
January, 2021 issue, with these changes:

1) In the print edition, MOVING of the following information to the
e-Edition (the majority of these items did not change each month; and
the items had to be moved to cut costs):

A) Club, caller, and cuer websites, plus Facebook pages.

B) Dance and Contact Information on clubs, callers, and cuers..

C) Information on the National Square Dance Convention (except for a
website link in the Special Dances section).

  These REMAIN in the e-Edition, and are available on the website
(noted at the bottom of this message, at the appropriate link). Folks
can also contact one of the ASSDF Officers for the information, if
need be.

2) Addition of fliers for the 2021 ASSDF Fall Festival...for the
registration for Friday and Saturday and camping/lodging info...
plus info on the Trail-End Dance Thursday night. These will be
placed on the website just after the first of the year, in PDF
format. I am waiting on approval on the artwork from the ASSDF
Board, and from the Fall Festival Chairpersons.

3) Since this is the last year for the Single Square Dancers USA
(SSDUSA) organization, as a former member, I'm paying the ad cost
for their fliers for the January through August 2021 issues. The
final Dance-A-Rama will be in Des Moines, Iowa September 3-5, 2021.

  It would cost me far more to travel there, and for both food and
lodging...than it'd be for the, it'd be very hard on me
physically, travel wise...especially with COVID-19 issues. With a
lack of support and members lately, the organization will DISBAND
after their 50th Dance-A-Rama.

4) Depending on the outcome of a vote by the ASSDF Executive Board
in a planned Zoom Meeting in early December, lower prices for ads
in the publication, and possibly a nominal yearly fee for the
e-Edition and related expenses.

  Yet, there is opposition to any kind of fee (no matter how small)...
but it seems that "folks want something for nothing". I am working
on a column for these new rates, but can do nothing on that until
after the Board Meeting.

  The truth is that the number of print edition subscribers continues
to decrease, as well as a lack of new/renewal subscriptions and ads.
Had ASSDF President Ted Hofmeister, and yours truly not been taking
out ads in the previous months this year, the print edition would
likely be "on its last legs" right now.

  Costs of postage and printing continue to increase, plus the fees
for webhosting and the website come due in August (all websites have
to pay these web design fees, if applicable, and these can
be rather expensive). In time, that will drain the treasury, where the
ASSDF may have to consider:

A) An increase in the cost, or reduction in frequency, of the print
subscription. That would likely turn away subscribers from either
subscribing or renewing.

B) Eliminate the print subscription entirely...especially if it's
costing substantially more to print and mail it, and little or no
new money is coming in for subscriptions (new or renewal) or ads.
This is especially true if proposed reduced ad prices don't generate
any new ads.

  Discontinuing the print edition would be unfair to those who either
want a hard copy...or who can't get, don't have, or don't want, a
computer or internet access. Portions of Arkansas have little or no
internet or cellphone coverage...and if one doesn't have a landline
analog phone, or amateur radio, they're not going to be able to
communicate with their fellow Arkansan. These folks are truly, "in
the boonies".

  The only benefits of discontinuing the print edition would be no
more postage or printing costs....and the e-Edition could have its
deadline as "the last Friday of the month" long as I'm the
Editor...but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

  While it was voted on at a Delegates Meeting a few years ago that
"fees for The Modern Square were non-refundable", the ASSDF Board
would have to approve a change in that.

C) Charging a nominal fee for the e-Edition. But, if we can't pay
the fees for the website or webhosting, the e-Edition and website
will disappear as well. However, I can maintain the original "low
graphics site", as I have more space to store PDF files (including
back issues of the e-Edition of The Modern Square) there.

D) Lack of new revenue could mean we could not pay for a hall for
a place to hold the Fall Festival or the Spring Dance. 

  This would result in the worst case scenario for the
with no print or e-Edition or website, that means no way to communicate
with members...and to those outside of the state who may be looking to
move to Arkansas, or are passing through on the way to another dance or
event. And, with no money for festivals, it means no more dances...and
would mean the end of the organization.

  We do NOT want it to get to this point...but with any organization,
if members aren't going to support it, the officers are just wasting
their time. I know folks don't want to hear this, and will likely accuse
me of being "overly negative". But, as Robert Heinlein noted, TANSTAFFL;
"there ain't no such thing as a free lunch".

  It's basically a matter of mathematics...and I'll use the illustration
things like restaurant or store items. If someone isn't there to replace
and replenish things that are purchased or removed (like a food buffet);
sooner or later, they will run out of those things, and the entity will
be shut down.

Daryl Stout, Editor, Circulation Chairman, Webmaster, ASSDF
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