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Subject: Antique Telephones Date: Mon Jun 13 2016 04:08 pm
From: Janis Kracht To: Allen Prunty

Hi Allen,

> I don't know if this will be seen by anyone who can help, but I love my
> antique telephones... I love the sound of the mechanical bell... and the
> heaviness of the handsets.

Know what you mean :)  I think I have quite a collection in the basement.. or I 
did at least.. now I want to go down there and look Lol

> I have a box that lets my cell phone act as an inbound line on my POTS
> channels and it also gates my ip phone in as the landline... however there's
> not enough voltage to make my phones ring... and there's a box from australia
> that will take the rotary phones and read the pulses then dial out.

I'm not sure this page will help you, but maybe it or a link off it will help?
I see them talking about an H-bridge and voltage booster circuit for an arduino 
device.. not the same obviously..

Here's another kind of strange page that might help:

Bunch of weird articles out there :)  This is the search I used FWTW:

 google search: How to get enough voltage to make old phones ring from cell

> I love the sound of mechanical ringers though.


Take care,

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