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Subject: Re: Got a Problem Date: Thu Feb 21 2013 10:08 pm
From: Ben Ritchey To: Timothy Cornett

My control file (makenl.ctl):

=== Cut ===
; $Id: net-s.ctl,v 2009/01/08 20:07:46 mbroek Exp $
; This is a sample control for a the coordinator of a Hub or small Net.
; Edit fields within angle brackets as necessary (removing the brackets).
Logfile makenl.log

;ALLOwunpub 1
;FORcesubmit 1
;ALPHAphone 1

master c:\db\makenl\ng

make network 393        ; No "master data file"  input data is below.

BaudRate 300,1200,2400,4800,9600,14400,16800,19200,28800,33600

outfile NET_393   ; output file

submit     1:19/0 ; where you send updates, CRASH and/or HOLD optional
netaddress 1:393/0 ; your network address here

messages   c:\db\messages    ; path name to mail server's FidoNet mail area

; No other options are needed.  Master directory and output directory will
; default to the current directory.

COPywrite cpyright.txt
PROlog prolog.txt
EPIlog epilog.txt



; Your source data goes here.  The advantage of this over "HUB.CTL" is that
; MAKENL will not reformat or change your source data, even if you have errors.

=== Cut ===

Be well    :^)

 : Ben  aka cMech  Web:
 :           Home page:
 +    WildCat! Board 24/7  +1-337-984-4794  any BAUD 8,N,1
--- GoldED+/W32-MSVC
 * Origin: FIDONet - The Positronium Repository (1:393/68)

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In Reply To: Got a Problem (Timothy Cornett)
Replies: Got a Problem (Roy Witt)