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Subject: Re: Next Release of MakeNL Date: Wed Nov 02 2016 10:37 am
From: Wilfred van Velzen To: Andrew Leary

Hi Andrew,

On 2016-10-30 22:56:47, you wrote to All:

 AL> MakeNL 3.4.6 is currently being tested.  The only change currently is
 AL> the addition of a new RemoveBOM option, as requested by Michiel van
 AL> der Vlist for use in the Zone 2 UTF-8 Nodelist project.

 AL> If anyone has any bug reports or feature requests, please post them
 AL> here or netmail me at the address below.

In which git branch is this available?

Bye, Wilfred.

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In Reply To: Next Release of MakeNL (Andrew Leary)
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