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Subject: Issue with "old" segment files (bug #9) Date: Wed Jan 23 2013 12:39 pm
From: Rj Clay To: Marc Lewis


22 Jan 13 09:24, I wrote to you:

 ML>> And ZAP, Net 117 disappears from the compilation, along with all
 ML>> the others that are older than MakeNL thinks they should be.
 ML>> Faulty logic, Mr. Spock.

 RC>    I agree and wonder why it was set to such a low number (as three)
 RC> to begin with...

   And it's been that way for awhile...  I checked in version v3.1.8 (the
earliest version imported into the old-releases branch of the GIT code
repository) and if it's the constant I think it is, it was set in the same way
back then.


--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5--b20111217
 * Origin: RJC eeePC (1:120/419)

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In Reply To: Issue with "old" segment files (bug #9) (Rj Clay)