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Subject: Issue with "old" segment files (bug #9) Date: Tue Jan 22 2013 09:24 am
From: Rj Clay To: Marc Lewis


21 Jan 13 23:49, you wrote to mark lewis:

 ML>> <On 21Jan2013 14:31 mark lewis (1:3634/12.42) wrote a message to
 ML>> Marc Lewis regarding NCs who've updated to MakeNl_NG >

 ML>> [snip]
 MarcL>> It cannot deal with segments that are over 3 weeks old - it
 MarcL>> simply discards them from the either Region or higher segment;
 MarcL>> result - incomplete, defective NodeList.

  There does appear to be an existing bug open for the issue [1] (and which
I've updated), and Andrew does note there that "it can easily be changed".

 ML> Important to note here - it's NOT the file date that MakeNL is looking
 ML> at, it's the julian extension which it apparently calculates on the
 ML> fly based on the system date/time as to which extensions are
 ML> acceptable.  ....

 ML> And ZAP, Net 117 disappears from the compilation, along with all the others
 ML> that are older than MakeNL thinks they should be.  Faulty
 ML> logic, Mr. Spock.

   I agree and wonder why it was set to such a low number (as three) to begin

   In any case and besides the possibly separate issue of adding something  like
a MAXAGE option (which would also need a default), that does bring up the
question of just what number to set it to?  There needs to be some kind of a
default maximum number...

 ML> And I still haven't heard back from Andrew. :(

   I recently (1/14) emailed him about a separate issue; still haven't heard
back from him regarding it...


--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5--b20111217
 * Origin: RJC eeePC (1:120/419)

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In Reply To: follow-up on: NCs who've updated to MakeNl_NG (Marc Lewis)
Replies: Issue with "old" segment files (bug #9) (Rj Clay)