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Subject: RA_32BIT Echo Rules Date: Sun Apr 01 2018 12:00 am
From: Moderator To: All

 Conference rules for the RA_32BIT echo:                  rev. 29 May 14
 Posting Frequency: 1st of the month.

 NOTE: Until the development of RA/32 starts back up, this echo will
       be used to discuss operating RA under 32bit operating systems.
       I'm not going to go thru the rules one by one changing them.
       So far the echo has been running fine and i see no reason to
       ruin a good thing <smile> ... Please stay tuned...

 1. This conference is available to any SYSOP who is genuinely
    interested in using and discussing RemoteAccess/32 in all it's
    possible flavors. Discussions may range from general overviews
    to technical and programmer oriented details. There may be source
    code posted but this is not a programming echo so we'll try to
    keep anything like that to a minimum.

 2. This conference may be gated to any other amateur mail networks,
    provided that:

       a) We are notified of the name of the network and gating system,

       b) All messages posted here contain a valid origin line and
          sufficient information to allow a reply via NetMail through
          "normal" channels.

 3. Any topic that relates RemoteAccess/32 may be discussed unless it
    has been specifically declared "off topic" by us.

    wars or anything that may lead to OS wars.

 5. Third party developers are welcome to participate in discussions about
    their utilities and their possible interfaces into RemoteAccess/32
    provided that the utility specifically supports RemoteAccess, and its
    interface to same. (The INTERFACE to RA is topical: the actual
    configuring of the utility is not)

 6. For all intents and purposes, the rules for technical content of
    EchoMail as defined in BB_PROCD.A01 are adopted for use in this echo.
    BB_PROCD.A01 defines a TEARLINE as not exceeding 35 characters
    containing only "packer" OR editor program information, an ORIGINLINE
    as not exceeding 79 characters including the required ending of a
    proper network address, and prohibits the use of characters above
    ASCII 127 and non-printable, low-order codes. (See BB_PROCD.A01, file
    requestable at 1:170/400 for further details)

 7. Multi-line signatures, multi-line "tag lines",  and multiple origin
    lines (other than those created by proper gating) are disallowed.
    They tend to only increase the cost of moving this and other echos
    around the world, and it is our view that they would be much more
    appropriate in local echos.

 8. We reserve the right to be steel-fisted bastards and deny specific
    individuals posting access to this conference if the individual
    repeatedly ignores requests to terminate a message thread or
    continues to violate one or more of the echo rules.

 9. Do as you would be done by, and don't take yourself too seriously.
    Remember, we're doing this for FUN!

 Mark Lewis, 1:3634/12

 Conference Moderator

* Origin: (1:3634/12)

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