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Subject: Who is fielding the quest Date: Sat Dec 10 2016 06:50 pm
From: Daryl Stout To: Kris Jones


 KJ@> Not that you are getting ignored Bill. I just dont understand what you are
 KJ@> trying to ask.

  Folks also have to realize that the program developers...including Steve Winn,
who does VADV32...has A LIFE OUTSIDE THE BBS. This includes family,
job, church, health, etc. The bottom line is that we have to be patient.

  Admittedly, the docs could use some updating, but I don't look for that
to happen anytime soon.

  I personally can write a batchfile for my BBS...but, my programming ENDS
at setting the clock on the microwave oven. If I forget how to do that, I
guess I'll starve to death.


... "Do you, Sysop, take this BBS, to be your wedded spouse?"
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