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Subject: Non ASCII in the nodelist? Date: Mon Jan 14 2013 09:16 am
From: Rj Clay To: mark lewis


13 Jan 13 16:38, you wrote to me:

 BF>>    You most certainly wouldn't. I used DEBUG to trace through
 BF>> every part of the program that I wanted to change. I know
 BF>> *exactly* what I changed and what functionalities were affected.

 RC>>    So you could discuss what changes would need to be made in the
 RC>> current  source code to do the same thing?

 ml> unless i'm very much mistaken, the current source code stems from
 ml> björn's work and disassembly of the original binary...

   So I see from what you've reminded us about.


--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5--b20111217
 * Origin: RJC eeePC (1:120/419)

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