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Subject: The Collectors Newsletter No. 1040 April 22 2016 Date: Fri Apr 22 2016 10:59 pm
From: Janis Kracht To: All

11. Vintage Recipes

Be sure to check out our vintage recipe archive online at:  Over 1200 wonderful vintage recipes are listed.  Email if you would like to submit a recipe.

As with collectibles, people also have very strong feelings about foods from
their past.  Sometimes these special recipes get lost. This section is to help
people who are looking for lost recipes from their past.  If you submit a
request, please include the geographical region where you tasted the recipe.
If you have a vintage recipe request send it to and we might
just publish it here. merchants have thousands of cookbooks for sale! You can
see them here:

Be sure to check out our vintage kitchen collectibles section online at:

Email if you have a vintage recipe you'd like to share or if
you're looking for a recipe!

Mike P sent in his comments:

"After reading the little piece about what does "moderate oven" mean, I was
reminded why I refuse to part with my first ever cookery book (Cordon Bleu)!
Apart from the recipes, information on obscure vegetables and cuts of meat, it
has a little table in the back that converts oven temperatures from text
("moderate") to Centigrade, Fahrenheit (obsolete, except in the USA) and Gas
Marks (obsolete everywhere, but useful for old recipes!)

My mother always hoarded a "Dairy Diary" from about 30 years ago for similar
reasons (As well as oven temperatures, it explained all those odd symbols on
the care labels in cloths - who can remember the difference between a circle
with a cross over it and a circle in a square with a cross over it?!  The Dairy 
Diary was sold by the door-to-door milkman evry autumn."

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