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Subject: DAY2SVR: Marginal Risk SE Date: Thu Mar 21 2024 08:17 am
From: Mike Powell To: All

ACUS02 KWNS 210452
SPC AC 210450

Day 2 Convective Outlook
NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
1150 PM CDT Wed Mar 20 2024

Valid 221200Z - 231200Z


One or two clusters of strong thunderstorms may impact portions of
southern Florida and the Keys Friday into Friday evening,
accompanied by at least some risk for damaging winds and a tornado
or two.  More isolated strong to severe thunderstorm development may
impact northeastern Gulf coastal areas into Friday night.

It appears that blocking centered over the northeastern Pacific will
generally persist through this period, but guidance continues to
indicate at least some weakening, as a more progressive regime
gradually develops across the central toward eastern mid-latitude
Pacific.  There remains variability within and among the model
output concerning the extent of this weakening, and the eastward
acceleration of an associated mid-level low toward the northern U.S.
Pacific coast.  This may have at least some impact on downstream
synoptic developments within the broadly confluent split flow across
North America.

In the higher-latitude branch, one significant occluding cyclone is
forecast to continue migrating northeast and east of the Canadian
Maritimes. An elongating upstream cyclonic circulation may become
quasi-stationary near the southwestern shores of Hudson Bay, with a
series of lower amplitude perturbations digging to its west through
south, across the international border.  In lower levels, the
leading edge of another significant cold intrusion is forecast to
nose as far south as the Texas Panhandle and Red River vicinity, and
as far east as the lower Great Lakes and Ohio Valley by 12Z

In lower latitudes, mid-level troughing is still forecast to
progress slowly across and east of the lower Mississippi Valley and
north central Gulf of Mexico.  One smaller-scale perturbation may
emerge from its base and become increasingly sheared across and to
the east of the southern Appalachians, while another digs across the
northwestern through north central Gulf of Mexico by late Friday
night.  Models continue to differ concerning these features, and the
larger-scale troughing will be preceded by a subtropical
perturbation which is likely to be in the process of progressing
into and across the Florida peninsula by early Friday.

It does appear that a broad area of deepening surface low pressure
will develop northeastward across much of the eastern Gulf and South
Atlantic Coast states.  However, sizable spread is evident within
the model output concerning sub-synoptic through convective-scale
developments across the Southeast, Gulf of Mexico and offshore

Even with the aforementioned uncertainties, it does appear that an
initially dry/potentially cool low-level environment, across much of
the Florida peninsula through eastern Gulf Coast region, will tend
to maintain generally stable conditions inland of coastal areas as
initial convection supported by warm advection overspreads it.
However, based on various model output, including some
convection-allowing guidance, there appears potential for at least
one initially organized convective cluster to overspread the Florida
Keys/southern Florida peninsula vicinity, coincident with a warm
front off the southeastern Gulf of Mexico early Friday.  Given
sufficient boundary-layer destabilization in the presence of strong
deep-layer shear, this may be accompanied by a risk for damaging
wind gusts and perhaps a tornado or two.

Thereafter, it appears that widespread convective development,
perhaps including organizing clusters, may continue along trailing
convective outflow gradually advancing across and east-southeast of
the southeastern Gulf of Mexico through early Saturday.  Convective
potential to the north of this outflow remains unclear.  However,
models do indicate that substantive boundary-layer destabilization
is possible across much of the northeastern Gulf of Mexico by late
Friday night, ahead of a weak southeastward advancing cold front.
Still ahead of the mid-level troughing axis, this environment may
support additional scattered strong thunderstorm development which
might spread inland across coastal areas before weakening.

..Kerr.. 03/21/2024

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