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Subject: Non ASCII in the nodelist? Date: Sun Jan 13 2013 02:21 pm
From: Michiel van der Vlist To: Rj Clay

Hello Rj,

On Saturday January 12 2013 11:24, you wrote to me:

 RC>>>     Wasn't some testing done regarding that?  Or am I
 RC>>> mis-remembering?

 MV>> BjΓrn has a test running for a couple of years.

 RC>     Do you know if that's still with the old version?  (He has access
 RC> to the newer code, after all...)

He ran a test with his own patched version.

 MV>> Presently I am running a test with the pointlist.

 RC>     With the newer MakeNL version?

No, with my own pointlist make programme.

The object of that test was not to test makenl, but to test how other software
would respond to it.

Cheers, Michiel

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