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Subject: The Collectors Newsletter No. 1038 April 8 2016 Date: Fri Apr 08 2016 02:04 pm
From: Janis Kracht To: All

The Collectors Newsletter #1038 -- April 8, 2016

If someone forwarded this newsletter to you or you found it in our online
archive, you can get an email subscription to this newsletter at:

Read all 1000+ editions of our newsletter on the Web at:
or we can send you a copy via RSS. See:
1. Open your own online store!
2. Supporting small independent merchants 3. Do you know what day it is?
4. Pinterest: Visit the huge variety of boards we have posted! 5. Follow TIAS
on Twitter and Instagram! 6. This Week's Stories, Requests for Help, and old
stories revisited 7. Facebook Updates
8. This Week's Antique News
9. Newly listed items
10. Vintage Recipes
11. New On line Merchants
12. Did you know?
13. Helpful Resources For Collectors

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