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Subject: My patched version Date: Sat Jan 12 2013 07:43 pm
From: mark lewis To: Bj”rn Felten

 BF>    If you have the "genuine" MakeNl 2.51 (dated June 16th 1992,
 BF> size 48,231b) you can apply the fix below and get it y2k-fixed. If
 BF> you don't have exactly that version, you can freq MKNL from 2:203/0
 BF> or you can get it on the web as

 BF> _ _o_/_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _p_a_t_c_h_._b_a_t_ _ _ _
 BF>    O \

that's -=*exactly*=- what i used so long ago to get my copy :)

it is the makenl i've been using all these years as well as one of several i
used in the recent testing wherein i reported my results in this echo :) 


 * Origin:  (1:3634/12.42)

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