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Subject: My patched version Date: Sat Jan 12 2013 07:59 pm
From: Björn Felten To: All

OK. Not too many fidonetters (not even my ZC) noticed my effort to take MAKENL
into this new century. And -- needless to say -- I didn't get much appreciation 
for it either. Even though even Robert Bashe himself promised me I would. :)

   And, as it now turns out, I didn't only fix the Y2K issue, I also fixed the
stupid ASCII issue. On top of that I also fixed the equally stupid issue about
BAUD rates (only six could be defined in the config file). But those latter
improvements, I didn't even tell anyone about... 8-)

----[ ENET.SYSOP ]------------------------------------------------------------
On: Sun 9 Jan 2000 17.41
By: Bj÷rn Felten
To: Robert Bashe
Re: MakeNL
St: Local
 RB> If you are good enough to patch the binary with a
 RB> debugger, go right ahead. Many people would be grateful
 RB> to you for that.

   As Ward very well knows, I have done just that. I informed him several
months ago of this, hoping he should pass on the information to his RC's, but I 
haven't seen anything in that direction -- at least not in REGCON.EUR.

   If you have the "genuine" MakeNl 2.51 (dated June 16th 1992, size 48,231b)
you can apply the fix below and get it y2k-fixed. If you don't have exactly
that version, you can freq MKNL from 2:203/0 or you can get it on the web as

_ _o_/_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _p_a_t_c_h_._b_a_t_ _ _ _
   O \
ren makenl.exe makenl
debug makenl < patch.bat > nul
goto end
 e 325 eb
 e 7b2 eb
 e 36ca e8 9b 5d 53 50 90
 e 36e6 18 0
 e 9468 8b 44 0a b3 64 f6 f3 86
 e 9470 c4 98 8b 5c 04 c3 e2 00 25 73 20 25 32 64 20 25
 e 9480 73 20 25 30 32 64 20 25 30 32 64 3a 25 30 32 64 00
 e a2cb 32

ren makenl makenl.exe

--- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20101125
 * Origin: news:// (2:203/2)

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Replies: My patched version (mark lewis)My patched version (Benny Pedersen)