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Subject: Non ASCII in the nodelist? Date: Sat Jan 12 2013 11:24 am
From: Rj Clay To: Michiel van der Vlist


11 Jan 13 12:06, you wrote to me:

 MV> Hello Rj,

 MV> On Thursday January 10 2013 18:47, you wrote to me:

 MV>>> So... /if/ we allow non ASCII in the nodelist, it will have to
 MV>>> be encoded as UTF-8.

    I think MakeNL should handle UTF-8 by default for at least local files.
Then there could be options for how it processes files it receives and files  it

 RC>>     Wasn't some testing done regarding that?  Or am I
 RC>> mis-remembering?

 MV> Björn has a test running for a couple of years.

    Do you know if that's still with the old version?  (He has access to the
newer code, after all...)

 MV> Presently I am running a test with the pointlist.

    With the newer MakeNL version?


--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5--b20111217
 * Origin: RJC eeePC (1:120/419)

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Replies: Non ASCII in the nodelist? (Björn Felten)Non ASCII in the nodelist? (Michiel van der Vlist)Non ASCII in the nodelist? (Michiel van der Vlist)