Section One BBS

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Subject: Problem with a new network. Date: Sat Dec 24 2016 06:57 am
From: mark lewis To: Janis Kracht

 On 2016 Dec 23 19:48:34, you wrote to Tony Comandini:

 JK> Btw, this shows everything looking good from my Poll just now to reply to
 JK> your netmail:

 JK> 161223 19:40 Friends BBS, 24:300/2.0
 JK> 161223 19:40   AKA: 2:250/5.0
 JK> 161223 19:40   AKA: 80:49/7.0
 JK> 161223 19:40   AKA: 21:1/188.1
 JK> 161223 19:40   AKA: 432:1/119.0

except it isn't reporting the domains assigned to the zones... if everything
was reported like the above, he likely wouldn't even know there was a problem
to begin with... however, seeing

 161223 19:40 Friends BBS, 24:300/2.0@sportnet
 161223 19:40   AKA: 2:250/5.0@fidonet
 161223 19:40   AKA: 80:49/7.0@retronet
 161223 19:40   AKA: 21:1/188.1@fsxnet
 161223 19:40   AKA: 432:1/119.0@fidonet

can alert you to something being wrong... my question on this type of display
by the remote system is what if their zone/domain list doesn't have other
zones/domains listed? will/can it still show the inbound othernet zones@domains 
properly or no? in the case of binkd, yes... what about BBBS? why doesn't it
show the 5D domains?


Always Mount a Scratch Monkey
Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it
... I have seen the evidence. I want DIFFERENT evidence...
 * Origin:  (1:3634/12.73)

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