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Subject: MakeNL 64 bit? Date: Sat Jan 12 2013 11:14 am
From: Rj Clay To: Benny Pedersen


10 Jan 13 18:43, I wrote to you:

 RC>>> [1]

 RC>    I don't currently have a 64 bit system available (it's in
 RC> storage...) but I will be keeping an eye on the results of package
 RC> builds there; it does both 32 & 64 bit builds for whichever (Ubuntu)
 RC> distribution the source archive is directed to.

        I uploaded package for v3.3.0-1 directed to Ubuntu Lucid (v10.04 LTS:
done to replace an an old package of 3.2.7d there); I wouldn't have been
surprised if there were differences but the same set of warnings are showing  up
for both the i386 and amd64 builds.  (I'll see if they also show up on  builds
for Ubuntu v12.04 before thinking of putting them in the tracker...)


--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5--b20111217
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