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Subject: Re: A reminder Date: Wed Mar 16 2022 08:26 pm
From: Nick Andre To: Shaun Buzza

On 16 Mar 22  18:35:23, Shaun Buzza said the following to Jay Harris:

SB>  JH> Dammit Shaun, you pulled the wool over my eyes!  >:(

SB> *BUSTED* wah wah wahhhhhhhhhhhh

SB> What can I say, a guy had to try! ~\(^_^)/~

Its actually all a running joke because Psi-jack / Eric Renfew is possibly
moving to Canada from Florida. And in order to be nodelisted in a Canuck
network you have to pay the nodelist fee.

No, I don't want to understand the move FROM Florida.


--- Renegade vY2Ka2
 * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)

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