Section One BBS

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Subject: New Files Received Date: Sat Aug 10 2024 10:34 am
From: 1stchoiceBot To: ALL

 ┌╔═╗    ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐     ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦   ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║    └╩═══╦┐   │║│       │║      ├╬═══╬┤ │║   ║│   │║│   │║      ├╬══
 └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘   ═╩═       └╩═══╩┘ └╩   ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
 Message Areas         ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐        E-Mail
  Online Games         │║      │║   ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══      Welcome To you All
     NEW               └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩  ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘       ZEALAND
                 1st Choice Core received these following files
CSCNET.ZIP        9223            ODD: League info packs


        All of the above files are available on         
                or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email                
       To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
                   and in the message body, FREQ <filename>.

     This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


--- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
 * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)

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