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Subject: A reminder Date: Tue Mar 15 2022 06:14 pm
From: Sean Dennis To: Andre Robitaille

Hello Andre,

15 Mar 22 16:15, you wrote to Mike Miller:

 AR> It still does have the [ADM], so I'm not sure. But I restrict access
 AR> to anything with heavy Lefoso activity just on general principle.

Lee Lofoso is Bjorn Felten's strawman that popped up in Fidonet in the early
2000s when Bjorn was banned from the POLITICS echo by its then-moderator, Gary
Braswell.  Bjorn, along with a few others in Zone 2, do not believe in
moderators, instead insisting that the rules do not apply to them.  I am
dealing with this in WIN95 with Bjorn and Wilfred van Veltzen.

This is an "open secret" in Fidonet for decades now.

-- Sean

... Is there another word for "synonym"?
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