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Subject: Re: Time Needed for Updat Date: Mon Feb 28 2022 08:46 am
From: Daryl Stout To: Ky Moffet


 >   KM> <falls over laughing>

 >    BBS: Bruised Butt Severely. <G>

 KM> I did :D

  I'd love to have been a fly on the wall when you explained how you got
"bruised buns". <G>

 >    The one that comes back to me is the difference between prose and poetry.
 > Poetry rhymes, but prose doesn't.

 >    Men are from Mars. Women are from Venus.
 >    Men like cars. Women like...............


  You can stop to go change your underwear now. <G>

 >      Well, what do you want?? Prose or poetry?? <G>

 KM> Uh.. poetry in motion, that's it!!! <g>

  I'll this case, the guy is hungry for love, and feeling a
little peckerish. <EG>


... If cats could read they would paws after each claws.
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