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Subject: Checking Date: Sun Jan 22 2017 08:48 pm
From: mark lewis To: C.g. Learn

 On 2017 Jan 22 07:32:06, you wrote to All:

 CL> @MSGID: 1:275/95.0 5884A646
 CL> Just Checking, Is this still an active echo?

no... it is a connected echo... there is no activity here unless there's an
official Z1 election going on... this is one of those admin type echos that are 
kept in play for specific purposes... much different than general chit chat

 CL> --- GAPNet Enhanced
 CL>  * Origin: Valhalla II - - Richmond, VA.!
 CL> (1:275/95)
 CL> SEEN-BY: 109/500 116/116 120/544 123/5 111 140 400 500 789 1970 124/5013
 CL> SEEN-BY: 124/5014 135/300 138/146 140/1 12 153/7715 154/10 229/426 261/38
 CL> SEEN-BY: 266/512 275/0 89 90 91 93 95 100 156 288/34 320/119 322/759 
 CL> SEEN-BY: 342/17 77 2320/100 3634/12 15 22 24 27 50
 CL> @PATH: 275/95 100 140/1 123/500 3634/12


Always Mount a Scratch Monkey
Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it
... The day I stop flirting, you'll read about it in the obituaries.
 * Origin:  (1:3634/12.73)

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In Reply To: Checking (C.g. Learn)