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Subject: Re: good afternoon asking about baja and menu shells Date: Thu Jul 11 2024 09:53 pm
From: Gamgee To: Accession

-=> Accession wrote to Gamgee <=-

 G> I've got a modified 'default.js' shell just about done, and hope to find
 G> time tomorrow to test it.  Easier than I expected, actually.

 Ac> Sometimes you just gotta dive right in, scratch your head for awhile..
 Ac> then bang it on your desk a few times. Eventually, you'll get it
 Ac> working. :)

Good advice, and absolutely true!

I must admit that I've been doing that in various ways for most of my 
adult life...  ;-)

... Wisdom is knowing what to do with what you know.
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In Reply To: good afternoon asking about baja and menu shells (Accession)