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Subject: A Tribute To The Nets Date: Wed Oct 28 2015 12:03 am
From: Daryl Stout To: All Users

  Arkansas And Other Ham Radio Nets Of Interest -- Updated Sep. 28, 2015

  Some of the repeaters may require PL tones to access, and these are listed,
where applicable. The "ARC" acronym stands for "Amateur Radio Club", and "ARS"
stands for "Amateur Radio Service".

  The HF nets are listed first...followed by the VHF/UHF Nets, then Digital
Nets, Echolink, and D-Star Nets. All net times listed below are U.S.
Central...which is 6 hours behind UTC from the first Sunday in November to the
second Sunday in March...and 5 hours behind UTC the rest of the year. More nets 
are likely available for each mode, but the ones listed are the ones that I
know about.

  While no license is required to JUST LISTEN, you must have a valid General
class license or higher to check into the HF nets. The only exception is the
Arkansas 10-10 Net, in which ANY licensed operator may check into.

  You must have a valid Technician Class or higher license, to check into the
VHF/UHF, Digital, Echolink, or D-Star Nets. Validation of your callsign is
required for the Digital, Echolink, or D-Star Nets.

  Note that last minute cancellations of any of the nets below may occur, and
that some nets may be cancelled for the holidays.

  Leave a M)essage to Sysop, with any additions, deletions, changes, or
HF Net Description:                    Mhz:     Meets On:              Time:

Arkansas Phone                         3.987.5  Daily except Sunday    6:00am
Mockingbird Net                        3.927.0  Monday thru Friday     4:30pm
OZK MTN/CW Net                         3.570.0  Daily                  6:45pm
Arkansas ARRL Section Net              3.987.5  1st Monday of month    7:00pm
Razorback Net                          3.987.5  Daily                  6:30pm
Arkansas Section Traffic Emergency Net 3.987.5  Daily                  7:00pm
10-10 Net                              28.470   Monday                 8:30pm

VHF/UHF Net Description:               Mhz:     Meets On:              Time:

Small Town Amateur Radio Service       147.150  Sunday (114.8 PL)      8:00pm
Hot Spring County Emerg. Traffic Net   147.360  Monday (136.5 PL)      6:30pm
CAREN Training Net                     146.940  Tuesday  (except 2nd)  7:00pm
Skywarn Training Net                   146.940  2nd Tuesday            7:00pm
CAREN Traffic Net                      146.940  Thursday (except 1st)  7:00pm

Digital Nets:

Digital Nets are accessed via Packet Radio, which require a rig and a TNC, or
via an internet connection, as noted below.

Digital Net Description:     Node:  Meets On:  Time:   Additional Comment:

N0KFQ Digital PCL Net       NOKFQ   Monday     7:00pm  See Note Below

For Radio Users:

Using any packet frequency available, connect to PACNET.

For AXIP Network Users:

At any AXIP or BBP32 Packet Node, look for and connect to PACNET.

For Outpost or Winpack Telnet Users:

Using Telnet, connect to port 8010

For Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Google Chrome Users:

Connect to

After connection to PACNET, enter I -- then select PCL -- and you'll join the

Echolink Nets:

Echolink allows amateur radio operators, with a Technician Class license or
higher, a computer running Microsoft Windows 98 or greater, and an Internet
connection (preferably DSL, or cable/broadband...dial-up is NOT recommended) to 
literally talk around the world, with no additional equipment or antennas

More details are at (Echolink) on the Internet, and in the
"Echolink Overview" category within this door. Be sure that you DISABLE
CONFERENCING before connecting to these nets, as some have scripts that will
automatically disconnect you, if it's determined you're connecting this way.

Callsign:  Net Description:             Node:   Meets On:              Time:

*HANDIHAM* Handi-Hams Midday Net        494492  Monday thru Saturday  11:00am
           An informal net meets on Sunday at 11:00am

*VE3ZHR*   Weather Radio Listeners Net  591897  Monday                 6:00pm
Note: The net is also available on IRLP Node 9038 K5NSX-R    Hot Spring Co.
Emerg Tfc Net 147360  Monday                 6:30pm N9LLT-L    Trains Net       
              2356  Monday                 8:00pm Note: The net does NOT meet
between Memorial Day and Labor Day, Inclusive

W2GJW      The Millenium Net            256937  Wednesday              8:00pm
KC5OOS-R   The Paris Net                338477  Wednesday              8:00pm
Note: Echolink Checkins are taken sometime after 8:30pm.

*WX_TALK*  Hurricane Preparedness Net     7203  1st Sat. December      6:00pm
*WX_TALK*  Hurricane Preparedness Net     7203  1st Sat. Jan. thru May 7:00pm
*WX_TALK*  Hurricane Preparedness Net     7203  Sat., June thru Nov.   7:00pm
Note: The net is also available on IRLP Node 9219

D-Star Nets:

D-Star Nets are accessed via a local networked D-Star Repeater, via a D-Star
Radio, a DVAP connector, a Raspberry Pi computer (Linux setup), or via a DV
Dongle by itself. Details are at -- from there, click
on Nets.

Note that whether you transmit via a DV Dongle, DVAP, or D-Star Radio, through
a D-Star Repeater or Reflector, YOUR CALLSIGN IS can NOT hide on

Node/Reflector/Mode: D-Star Net Name:           Meets On:  Time:   Backup:

Reflector 001 C      International D-Star Net   Sunday     7:00pm Reflector 002 
A      S.E. U.S. D-Star Wx Net    Sunday     8:00pm   004 A Reflector 035 C     
 Sunday Night D-Star Net    Sunday     9:00pm   029 A Reflector 019 B
Wisconsin D-Star Net       Sunday     9:00pm NOTE: This net also meets on
Wednesday night at 9pm on Reflector 019 B.

Reflector 024 A      Michigan D-Star Net        Monday     7:00pm Reflector 020 
A      Mid-Atlantic D-Star Net    Monday     7:00pm Reflector 037 C
Florida Hurricane Net      Monday     8:00pm Reflector 055 A      El Paso
D-Star Net         Monday     8:15pm Reflector 035 C      Raspberry Pi
Technical Net Monday     9:00pm

Reflector 048 B      Arklatex D-Star Net        Tuesday    7:30pm Reflector 004 
B      Texas D-Star Net           Tuesday    8:00pm Reflector 054 C      North
Carolina/Friends Net Tuesday    8:00pm Reflector 058 B      Alabama D-Star Net  
       Tuesday    8:30pm   002 B Reflector 012 A      PAPA System D-Star Net    
 Tuesday   10:00pm

Reflector 014 C      Ham Nation Twit TV Net     Wednesday SEE NOTE NOTE: The
start time varies, but begins shortly after the Ham Nation Twit TV Show is
concluded on the internet. Reflector 001 B      Illinois D-Star Net
Wednesday  9:00pm

Reflector 046 C      Florida D-Star Net         Thursday   8:00pm NOTE:
Sometimes, D-Star or D-Rats Training is done via the Team Viewer utility.
Listen for instructions from Net Control on when this is done. Reflector 067 B  
    C.E.R.T. D-Star Net        Thursday   8:30pm NOTE: Membership in C.E.R.T.
(Community Emergency Response Team) is NOT REQUIRED to take part in the net.
Reflector 055 A      New Mexico D-Star Net      Thursday   9:00pm Reflector 012 
A      PAPA System Roundtable Net Thursday  10:00pm

Reflector 067 B      Memphis D-Star/D-RATS Net  Friday     8:30pm NOTE: Access
the Memphis Chatroom via D-Rats to chat with other net participants during the
net. Choose "Chat", then "Join Channel", type "Memphis" (no quotes), and then
press <ENTER>. It'll show as #Memphis in the bottom panel. You can also list
ham radio related gear that you want to buy, sell, or trade on the net.

Reflector 035 C      Northwest U.S. D-Star Net  Saturday   9:00pm   029 A

--- GTMail 1.26 
 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - - GT Power 20 (57:57/10.0)

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