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Subject: Third Party Traffic (A) Date: Mon Oct 19 2015 12:03 am
From: Daryl Stout To: All Users

International Third-Party Traffic -- Proceed With Caution

Occasionally, DX stations may ask you to pass a third-party message to a friend 
or relative in the States. This is all right as long as the US has signed an
official third-party traffic agreement with that particular country, or the
third party is a licensed amateur. The traffic must be noncommercial and of a
personal, unimportant nature. During an emergency, the US State Department will 
often work out a special temporary agreement with the country involved. But in
normal times, never handle traffic without first making sure it is legally

For a list of countries that have third party traffic agreements with the
United States, go to:

For a list of countries that have reciprocal operating agreements with the
United States, go to:

International Operating


Amateurs sometimes visit other countries and naturally want to operate their
amateur stations. The three types of reciprocal operating authority are 1) a
CEPT license; 2) an IARP; and 3) a reciprocal permit from a country which does
not participate in either of these two multilateral agreements. Always follow
all of the communications rules of the country visited. To operate under CEPT
or IARP, the amateur must be a licensee in the country of citizenship.

Canada is the exception to the above. The US and Canada share an automatic
reciprocal operating agreement. US amateurs must carry proof of their US
citizenship and their valid US license. Identification for US amateurs is the
US call separated by a stroke and the appropriate Canadian prefix identifier
(e.g. N1KB/VE3). In all other instances, or as specified by the national
licensing body, the prefix goes before the call sign. For further information
on US/Canadian operation, visit the RAC Web site.

--- GTMail 1.26 
 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - - GT Power 20 (57:57/10.0)

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