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Subject: Java For OS/2 Date: Thu Apr 13 2017 07:05 pm
From: Mike Luther To: Mark Lewis

Hi Marc..

 ml> do you have access to steve levine and/or paul smedley? at least one of
 ml> them should be able to help you... if you do not have 
 ml> access to them, i can get you their email addresses 
 ml> from one of the numerous mailing lists they operate 
 ml> out of these days...

 ml> )\/(ark

Well yes somewhere in the pile of computers but in the ones right here at the
'homerun' address, no.

If you would forward the addresses to me even by internet mail if you don't
want to do it here I would appreciate it.

MikeyDog as N117C @ 1:117/100

 * Origin: BV HUB CLL(979)696-3600 (1:117/100)

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