Section One BBS

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Subject: BRE League 411 Scores Date: Fri Mar 18 2022 12:05 am
From: CBN Score Bot To: All

CombatNet League!
Barren Realms Elite League 411
Fri Mar 18 00:05:01 EDT 2022
Player Name            Score    Land   NetWorth  NW/Reg BBS
------------------   -------- ------- ---------- ------ --------------
SBC                    228301   24600  186511002   7581  Electronic Warfare BBS
Sundercastle           226845   25570  160601163   6280  Basement Theory
Mud Puppy              227282   26344  138026483   5239  Electronic Warfare BBS
Bassline Cartel        380442   33589  128813178   3834  Basement Theory
Shiraz                 162945   26211  125102328   4772  Basement Theory
Gorlos                 135230   38725   13420496    346  Force9 BBS
League Coordinator      19170    1365     652919    477  CombatNet HQ
The Legion                426      88       1134     12  Wrong Number BBS
elization                 639      15        231     14  Error 404 BBS
BBS Name                   Score       Land   NetWorth   NW/Reg   Last Recon
---------------------    --------    ------- ----------  ------   ----------
Basement Theory            770232      85370  414516669    4855   
Electronic Warfare BBS     455583      50944  324537485    6370   03/17 21:53
Force9 BBS                 135230      38725   13420496     346   
CombatNet HQ                19170       1365     652919     477   03/17 22:53
Wrong Number BBS              426         88       1134      12   
Error 404 BBS                 639         15        231      14   
The Undermine                   0          0          0       0   
The Underground                 0          0          0       0   
Nite Eyes BBS                   0          0          0       0   
Silicon Underground             0          0          0       0   
KN6Q BBS                        0          0          0       0   
Freeside BBS                    0          0          0       0   
TCS Online                      0          0          0       0   
The Amiga Frontier              0          0          0       0   
Section One BBS                 0          0          0       0   
Bottomless Abyss                0          0          0       0   
RVA Fido Support                0          0          0       0    Undercurrents
BBS               0          0          0       0   
End Of The Line                 0          0          0       0   
iNK tWO bbs                     0          0          0       0   
Black Flag                      0          0          0       0   
Black Sun BBS                   0          0          0       0   
2nd Choice Core                 0          0          0       0   
Datanet BBS                     0          0          0       0   
Necronomicon BBS                0          0          0       0   
Mystic Dreams                   0          0          0       0   
Slime City BBS                  0          0          0       0   
Archaic Binary                  0          0          0       0   
Battlestar BBS                  0          0          0       0   
flupH BBS                       0          0          0       0   03/17 21:18
Sinners Haven                   0          0          0       0   03/17 22:00

--- SBBSecho 3.15-Linux
 * Origin: Electronic Warfare BBS | | CBNET HQ (411:411/1)

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