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Subject: Makenl and bad segments... Date: Wed Jan 07 2015 07:30 pm
From: mark lewis To: Joe Delahaye

 On Tue, 06 Jan 2015, Joe Delahaye wrote to mark lewis:

 ML> that said, eliminating duplicates, there's 1948 operator names 
 ML> listed in nodelist.006... that's with eliminating obvious 
 ML> non-names... there's only one or two that may be the same person 
 ML> listed with two variations of their name...

 ML> eg: FA_Stare Fred_A_Stare Fred_Stare (ficticious example)

 JD> Still, I think there is a lot of dead wood in the nodelist, at
 JD> least in Z1 and 2.  I have no idea about Z3

there might be but how is "dead wood" being determined? counting posts from a
system can't be used because that's never been a requirement for membership...
in fact, the only requirement was the ability to send and receive netmail...


* Origin:  (1:3634/12)

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