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Subject: Artware updates (autopost) Date: Sun Nov 01 2015 01:00 am
From: andrew clarke To: All

Artware software

Note: The latest version of this document is available via SVN.  See
the end of the document for more information.


The software timEd, NetMgr and WIMM have all been ported to UNIX.  In
years gone by these programs were distributed as shareware by Gerard
van Essen under the name 'Artware', however in late 2000 they were
released as open source under the GNU General Public Licence (GPL) and
uploaded to (last accessed

Most of the work porting timEd to UNIX was done by Oliver Grimm. 
Currently the Windows port of timEd is only stable, and semi-usable,
when compiled using Cygwin.  To date there has been no attempt to port
it back to OS/2 or DOS.  Contributions are welcome though!  The latest
version is stable under Linux, FreeBSD, BeOS and Mac OS X.

WIMM should compile under Windows, UNIX, OS/2, BeOS & 32-bit DOS.
There has been a report of instability under 32-bit DOS, but this
cannot be replicated by me.  It has been stable under FreeBSD during

NetMgr is the most recent port, thanks to Bo Simonsen.  Currently it
only compiles under UNIX (Linux/FreeBSD) and BeOS.  It will probably
also compile under Cygwin.  It won't compile out of the box for OS/2,
Windows or 32-bit DOS using Watcom, but shouldn't need too much work
to make this possible.  It has been stable under FreeBSD and BeOS
during testing, but has not been exhaustively tested.

All three require the latest version of XMSGAPI if you wish to compile
from source.  XMSGAPI is a port of the Squish MSGAPI written by Scott
Dudley and released under the GNU Lesser Public Licence.


An anonymous SVN server has been set up for timEd, WIMM, NetMgr and
XMSGAPI.  If you have a command-line SVN client installed you can
retrieve the latest version of the timEd source code using the
following command:

svn co svn://

For WIMM, NetMgr and XMSGAPI, replace 'timed' with 'wimm', 'netmgr' or

svn co svn://
svn co svn://
svn co svn://


You can make changes to the source code or documentation of any of
these programs and have it incorporated into the main SVN repository.

If you'd like write access to the SVN at please
send netmail to Andrew Clarke at FidoNet node 3:633/267 or e-mail with the username and password you wish to use.


The latest version of this document is posted on the 1st and 15th of
every month in the FidoNet ARTWARE echo.  It is also available via
SVN as 'artware.txt', using the command:

svn co svn://

 * Origin: Blizzard of Ozz, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (3:633/267)

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