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Subject: Re: argghhh openxp Date: Thu Sep 01 2022 05:03 pm
From: Wilfred van Velzen To: Alan Beck

Hi Alan,

On 2022-09-01 07:25:00, you wrote to Martin Foster:

 AB> @MSGID: 1:229/426.36@fidonet 00006737
 AB> @REPLY: 2:310/31.3@fidonet ffd391fd
 AB> @PID: OpenXP/5.0.56 (Linux) (x86_64)
 AB> @TZUTC: -0400
 AB> I got it!!

 AB> If you are getting this, then my upload works.

 AB> The magic bullet.....................

 AB> unzip $DOWNFILE

 AB> Check "use node address.

 AB> Please reply if you see this.

 AB> Alan

 AB> --- OpenXP 5.0.56
 AB>  * Origin:  (1:229/426.36)
 AB> SEEN-BY: 1/123 10/0 1 15/0 90/1 102/401 103/1 705 105/81 106/201 120/340
 AB> SEEN-BY: 123/131 124/5016 129/305 331 153/757 7715 154/10 203/0 214/22
 AB> SEEN-BY: 218/0 1 109 650 700 720 840 850 860 870 880 220/70 221/0 6
 AB> SEEN-BY: 226/17 227/114 229/111 112 113 206 317 400 424 426 428 470
 AB> SEEN-BY: 229/664 700 240/5832 266/512 267/800 280/464 5003 282/1038
 AB> SEEN-BY: 292/854 8125 301/1 310/31 317/3 320/219 322/757 341/66 234
 AB> SEEN-BY: 342/200 396/45 423/120 460/58 633/280 712/848 770/1 100 330
 AB> SEEN-BY: 770/340 772/220 230 2452/250
 AB> @PATH: 229/426 218/700 840 770/1 280/464

Bye, Wilfred.

--- FMail-lnx64
 * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)

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In Reply To: Re: argghhh openxp (Alan Beck)