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Subject: The Collectors Newsletter No. 1026 January 8 2016 Date: Fri Jan 08 2016 03:48 pm
From: Janis Kracht To: All

6. This Week's Stories and Requests for Help

We try to post stories and comments from our readers each week. Send your story 
to and we'll publish it in an upcoming newsletter.  Please
share your story about what you collect and what got you started collecting.
We *love* to hear your stories!  If you have a story you'd like to share, tell
us about it and if you have any photos, we'd love to see them!  Send us an
email to so we can share your story with the rest of our

Irene J shared a Christmas story in our last newsletter, and two more people
shared their own stories:

>From Enola N: "When I was a kid, I hated turkey C╟⌠ my wonderful
grandfather would always C╟ústuffC╟╪ the neck end of the turkey with hamburger
for me - my grandmother would always yell at him for spoiling me, but I always
appreciated the extra effort.  I guess that is where I get the idea to
C╟úspoilC╟╪ my family by doing the extras that make them happy - I wear the
title C╟úenablerC╟╪ proudly in this regard!  If it means I enable the ones I
love to have more time or more security or more whatever-it-is they need, then
I am happy - Love reading the stories folks submit - thank you"

and from Linda H:
"Hi, TIAS!
    Love the stories in the newsletter and never thought to submit
one, but here goes:

    Reading the Christmas story about the poor lady whose kids
    opened every gift under the tree and proceeded to float wooden
    salt and pepper grinders in the overflowing bathroom sink while
    the exhausted parents slept, reminded me of one Christmas while
    I was growing up: Nobody has ever heard this story and I'm
    nearly 70 years old....  Our family was the sort where every
    penny had to be accounted for, there just wasn't the income for
    "discretionary spending." But the folks did their best.  We got
    a lot of clothing at Christmastime and looking back, the bulk
    of our gifts were from aunts and uncles.  I must've been about
    ten years old and wanted a bicycle bigger than the 20" I'd been
    riding since day one.  "Them days" as my mother would say, kids
    "lived" on their bicycles, riding off everywhere and running
    errands for parents and childless neighbors (who would let me
    keep the change from the .50 or $1.00 for getting them a few
    items from the grocery store).  I'd been sneaking off with my
    sister's bigger bicycle whenever I could for some time and it
    seemed everyone should have known the "desire of my heart" for
    that Christmas.  My folks kept discussing (when they knew I was
    in earshot) that they were considering getting me new tires for
    the old bike--and it got to the point where I knew either there
    was a new bicycle for me or nothing, which was the more likely
    prospect; somehow new tires didn't even seem necessary.  On
    Christmas morning early I happened to be awake and just
    enjoying the quiet house.  Got it in my mind to look in the
    garage attached to the kitchen to see what was the real story
    about my Christmas gift (fully expecting to be
    disappointed)--and there it was!  Just what I wanted, three
    speeds, caliper brakes (WOW!)...well, no one was around and I
    hightailed it back to bed before anybody had a clue.  I knew
    I'd better look amazed and happy when the parents handed out
    the gifts...sure wouldn't want to ruin my surprise for them(!)
    and I must've done all right.  For years my mother would tell
    the story about how excited and happy I was on that particular
    Christmas morning and how well they'd kept the secret about
    that bicycle.  A side note: my elder sister still can NOT stand
    to see a wrapped gift (Christmas, birthday, you-name-it) and
    not know what's inside.  She would (and still does) unwrap
    every gift under the tree when nobody is looking and re-wrap
    them!!!  Hope these stories are amusing."

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