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Subject: Z1C Election Date: Thu May 31 2018 09:59 am
From: mark lewis To: Phil Kimble

 On 2018 May 31 06:52:24, you wrote to me:

 PK> I fully understand what you are saying & am debating it. However, is it 
 PK> the RC's job to ensure the nodelist is accurate & current for thier 
 PK> same as for NCs?  If they are unable to perform that function for a 
 PK> how will they perform at the Zone level?

that's not the problem... there's something weird that's been going on with
generating at the zone level... the tool selects older weekly segments instead
of the most recent which should be a daily segment... those of us (TINU)
monitoring the nodelist have seen this for a while... i'm not sure how to
handle it or recommend handlling it... i switched to generating only dailies
and would simply use the daily generated for friday as friday's weekly and be
done with it...

 PK> BTW: Can anyone explain why I received a netmail from the Z2C on this
 PK> very topic when this is a "Zone 1" election?

because obvious dick is being a nosey dick...



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