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Subject: Re: newsgroups Date: Mon Aug 01 2022 09:32 pm
From: Tim Schattkowsky To: Alan Beck

//Hello Alan,//

on *19.06.22* at *15:04:51* You wrote in Area *POINTS*
to *All* about *"newsgroups"*.

 AB> Hello All,

 AB> How do I download the list of newsgroups?

 AB> I hear you can add them with areafix.

Iff you provided your areafix password etc. properly in the configuration you
can just go to the echo area manager in WinPoint and hit the "%LIST" button.
Lists will be requested on the next poll, but depending on the remote system
you may receive the answer in the same or the next session. WP will also
automatically process the lists if set up properly. For the first time, you
have to right click on each list message (if multiple) and select "use as area
list". WP will present you a calbration dialog and store the result for future
use, so lists will be automatically processed the next time.


--- WinPoint 408.3
 * Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:310/31.6)

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