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Subject: [openxp] Line wrap in message reader Date: Wed Mar 16 2022 01:50 pm
From: Martin Foster To: August Abolins

Hello August!

*** Wednesday 16.03.22 at 13:07, Martin Foster wrote to August Abolins:

 MF> Config -> Options -> Message Reader
 MF> -----------------------------------
 MF> +- Internal message reader options ------------+
 MF> |                                              |
 MF> |   [x]   Full screen                          |
 MF> |   [x]   Display clock                        |
 MF> |   [x]   Line break in column 80              |
 MF> |   [x]   Show reference arrows                |
 MF> |   [ ]   Fixed message header display         |
 MF> |                                              |
 MF> |   [ ]   Convert German ISO Umlauts           |
 MF> |   [x]   Use UTF-8                            |
 MF> |   [x]   *Highlight* words by colour    <<---------
 MF> |   [ ]   Multi-coloured quotes                |
 MF> |                                              |
 MF> |   [ ]   Mouse scroll bar                     |
 MF> |   [x]   AutoScrolling                        |
 MF> |                                              |
 MF> |   [ ]   Exit message reader with <Return>    |
 MF> |                                              |
 MF> |  Viewer for URLs  explorer                   |
 MF> +----------------------------------------------+

Hmmmm, just spotted something which I've never noticed before:

As you can see, I have "Line break in column 80" enabled but it doesn't  
seem to work on my display. I have the number of columns set to 100 in my
OpenXP config but lines don't wrap at column 80, they wrap at the window
edge(column 100).

Can you reproduce this?


--- OpenXP 5.0.51
 * Origin: Bitz-Box - Bradford - UK (2:310/31.3)

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In Reply To: [openxp] Styled Text (Martin Foster)
Replies: [openxp] Line wrap in message reader (August Abolins)