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Subject: Re: WinPoint development Date: Mon Mar 14 2022 07:21 pm
From: Tim Schattkowsky To: Martin Foster

//Hello Martin,//

on *13.03.22* at *8:19:17* You wrote in Area *POINTS*
to *August Abolins* about *"WinPoint development"*.

 MF>>>> - supports IPv6

 AA>>> Yes.. I read about that one. So, it's fairly simple to implement.

 MF>> Not being a programmer, I couldn't really comment about its
 MF>> implementation.

 MF> Hmmmm, from what's been going on elsewhere over the last few days, it would
 MF> seem that it's far from fairly simple to implement.

Nope, the discussion about WPs IPv6 handling is totally misleading. It works,is 
correct and needs no improvement. Period. Any suggestion that current state is
flawed, non-standard or whatever is simply wrong. The rest of the discussion is 
partially even beyond academic.


--- WinPoint 407.0
 * Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:310/31.6)

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