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Subject: Z1C Election Date: Thu May 31 2018 10:00 am
From: Janis Kracht To: mark lewis

Hi Mark!

>> To date, we have received a total of 16 votes.  Once Mr Riccio verifies
> all
>> votes, I will release a current status. ALl netmails have been replied to
>> with Mr Riccio CC'd for verification. I was hoping to see more votes but
> we
>> have time.

> were those replies sent direct or crash or were they sent routed??? direct
> would be the best for security...

>> Please review the Election rules. 2 votes are under review as they are
>> not listed in the 4 May FidoNet nodelist. It could be that I
>> overlooked them but have double checked & pending verification.

>> As per the election rules established at the beginning of the election
>> process, this is the official nodelist to be used as verification. Any
>> vote received that is NOT in the 4 May official weekly nodelist, not
>> the daily, but the "official" nodelist, will not be counted.

> that could be a problem... we know there's been a problem with the weekly
> nodelist dropping entries that are/were in the daily nodelist... i would
>suggest to use both to ensure that someone that is rightly and properly listed
> is counted and not skipped because of an error...

I don't really see the problem here, since we have period in the schedule to
address this:

 Jun 11 - Jun 24   Opportunity to yell fowl and fix errors.

Works? :)

Take care,

--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-3
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In Reply To: Z1C Election (mark lewis)