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Subject: openxp colors Date: Mon Mar 14 2022 10:43 am
From: August Abolins To: Martin Foster

Hello Martin!

 AA>> BTW.. which config/colours/display setting is for [1] the part
 AA>> that we see when an active poll is taking place?

 MF> That would be "uucico Mailer" but mine's never on the screen long enough to
 MF> actually see it. The only times I ever used to see it was way back in the
 MF> PSTN days.

 AA>> and for [2] the part that we see after editing a message such as..


 MF> That would be "Dialog window".

THANKS a million kilobytes!  You're the best!! :D


--- OpenXP 5.0.51
 * Origin: The ONLY point that matters! --> . <-- (2:221/1.58)

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In Reply To: openxp colors (Martin Foster)