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Subject: CRLF Date: Mon Mar 14 2022 11:21 am
From: Martin Foster To: Carlos Navarro

Hello Carlos!

*** Sunday 13.03.22 at 09:55, Carlos Navarro wrote to All:

 CN> It seems that OpenXP inserts CRLF (#13#10) at the end of every line in
 CN> the body text of packed messages, including kludges.

Yes it does.

 CN> In FTS-4000 ( we can read:
 CN> ============
 CN>   The <LF> and soft <CR> characters (character codes 10 and 141
 CN>   respectively) should not be used within a control pragraph.
 CN> ============

Here's the *full* paragraph to which you refer:
---------- 8< ----------
  The <LF> and soft <CR> characters (character codes 10 and 141
  respectively) should not be used within a control pragraph. If they
  are, they should be disregarded by any program processing such a
  message or copies thereof.
---------- 8< ----------

And then there's this:

Publication:    FTS-4000
Revision:       1
Author(s):      FTSC

Revision Date:  1 October 2000
Expiry Date:    1 October 2002
Looks like the document is no longer valid.

 CN> For better compatibility with all FTN software, I suggest that OpenXP is
 CN> changed so that it strips LF characters (#10) and leaves only CR (#13) when
 CN> it generates PKTs - if not in all the body text, at least in the   kludge
 CN> lines.

The only person who could address your suggestion would be the developer  
but he doesn't monitor this echo :((


--- OpenXP 5.0.51
 * Origin: Bitz-Box - Bradford - UK (2:310/31.3)

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In Reply To: CRLF (Carlos Navarro)