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Subject: WinPoint development Date: Mon Mar 07 2022 11:40 am
From: Martin Foster To: August Abolins

Hello August!

*** Sunday 06.03.22 at 13:00:42, August Abolins wrote to Martin Foster:

 MF>> Here's another one for the "[PROS]" section .....

 MF>> - supports IPv6

 AA> Yes.. I read about that one. So, it's fairly simple to implement.

Not being a programmer, I couldn't really comment about its implementation.

 AA> Perhaps OpenXP could have that consideration too!  :D

Gunter implemented IPv6 for POP3, SMTP and NNTP a long time ago but for some
unknown reason, he didn't implement it for Fido-over-IP ??
 AA> Apoint is definately one to drop for all intents and purposes, I guess.

Nope, I have to disagree on the following grounds .....
- its message marking system is absolutely magnificent
- it fully supports styled text
- it still supports POTS
- it includes email and news clients(dial-up)


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