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Subject: CRLF Date: Sun Mar 13 2022 09:55 am
From: Carlos Navarro To: All

It seems that OpenXP inserts CRLF (#13#10) at the end of every line in the body 
text of packed messages, including kludges.

In FTS-4000 ( we can read:
  The <LF> and soft <CR> characters (character codes 10 and 141
  respectively) should not be used within a control pragraph.

For better compatibility with all FTN software, I suggest that OpenXP is
changed so that it strips LF characters (#10) and leaves only CR (#13) when it
generates PKTs - if not in all the body text, at least in the kludge lines.


--- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
 * Origin: Costa Blanca, Spain (2:341/234.1)

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