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Subject: Re: WinPoint development Date: Fri Feb 25 2022 08:25 pm
From: Tim Schattkowsky To: Martin Foster

//Hello Martin,//

on *24.02.22* at *9:14:00* You wrote in Area *POINTS*
to *August Abolins* about *"WinPoint development"*.

 MF> [CONS] I'm unsure about the following:
 MF> --------------------------------------

 MF> - no highlighting on a search match

Still the case. Particularly since the search function mach have multiple
matches in the same mail, this would require a mechanism to highligh multiple
places in a message, that currently doesn exist. 

 MF> - editor on reply removes <CR>'s on a line by line basis; therefore ordered
 MF> lists/lines/columnar text in incoming messages become reflowed paragraphs.

This should be largely adressed by the more intelligent reflow behavior
introduced recently in WP. Also, this can be disabled per area.


--- WinPoint 400.3
 * Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:310/31.6)

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