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Subject: WinPoint development Date: Thu Feb 24 2022 09:14 am
From: Martin Foster To: August Abolins

Hello August!

*** Monday 21.02.22 at 14:29, August Abolins wrote to Martin Foster:

 MF>> Out of the 17 "CONS", there's now only 4 which are still
 MF>> valid and I can think of at least one addition to the
 MF>> "PROS" :-)

 AA> Let me know which ones are which.  I can start to update things
 AA> when I remember how I created that page!

OK, here we go :-)

[CONS] The following can be safely removed:

- internal editor: ^Y deletes UNDER the current line.

- limited to no extended-ascii support

- does not support incoming areafix lists that are in lowercase [*3]

- sometimes areafix is created for "0:8/15" address.

- received nodelists need manual intervention to \WinpointNL directory

- if you don't specify a domain, WinPoint adds "@" to the end of your AKA   [*4]

- when forwarding a post to another echo/area, the Extra/Options/  
Templates for the defined header/footer do not get inserted into the new

- when replying to a message (echo or netmail) templates (headers/footers)  
do not get applied.

- reply window opens up full screen [*5]

- when message sort order is last "set" by Received date or Sent date and
newest to oldest, the program will always resort by oldest to newest the  
next time the program is run.

- when message sort order is last "set" by Bytes and largest to smallest,  
the program will always resort by smallest to largest the next time the
program is run.

Footnotes 3,4 and 5 can also be safely removed.

[CONS] I'm unsure about the following:

- no highlighting on a search match

- editor on reply removes <CR>'s on a line by line basis; therefore  
ordered lists/lines/columnar text in incoming messages become reflowed

And there you have it :-)

The [PROS] section also needs a bit of attention but I'll post my thoughts  
in a separate message.


--- OpenXP 5.0.51
 * Origin: Bitz-Box - Bradford - UK (2:310/31.3)

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In Reply To: WinPoint development (August Abolins)
Replies: WinPoint development (Martin Foster)WinPoint development (Martin Foster)Re: WinPoint development (Tim Schattkowsky)