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Subject: WinPoint development Date: Wed Feb 23 2022 11:48 am
From: Martin Foster To: August Abolins

Hello August!

*** Monday 21.02.22 at 14:29, August Abolins wrote to Martin Foster:

 AA>>> So.. should 359.1 be considered "decomissioned"? ..and never to
 AA>>> be used?

 MF>> Yes, that's absolutely correct.

 AA> What if someone comes along and wants to dabble with 359.1
 AA> According to, the older versions are made
 AA> available too.  :(

I really can't imagine anyone wanting to dabble with a 15 year old beta  
when Tim's pushing out regular updates.

 MF>>>> I obviously leave it up to your good judgement as to
 MF>>>> what you do with your "PROS and CONS" chart on your
 MF>>>> site.

 AA>>> Maybe I can simply create a link to the CONS for 359.1 to
 AA>>> point to a subpage or something.

 MF>> Why ??

 AA> 'Cuz.. as long as Tim is still offering the older versions, our
 AA> combined research on the the PROS and CONS might still be
 AA> useful?

Maybe ?

 AA>>> Meanwhile, the main table could be populated with pending
 AA>>> CONS for the latest version?

 MF>> Out of the 17 "CONS", there's now only 4 which are still
 MF>> valid and I can think of at least one addition to the
 MF>> "PROS" :-)

 AA> Let me know which ones are which.  I can start to update things
 AA> when I remember how I created that page!

OK, will do but I don't have time to do that right now, "real life"   intervenes

Hopefully, I'll have time to do it in the next few days.


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